On the forthcoming JSPAI Preparatory Team Meeting, to be held in Budapest on May 10th 2016, the JSPAI PT will commence extensive negotiations on concluding on the possibilities to establish a consortium aiming to implement its Regional Programme on Air Transport. The consortium is open to any public or private organisation with interest to deliver: know-how knowlegde tranfers, SEE airspace study, guidance for enhanced regional FRA implementation, guidance for implementation of state-tailored PBN solutions, assessment of state-tailored WAM solutions and enhancement of air transport connectivity in the SEE.
The European Commission has celebrated the five winners of the first edition of the Single European Sky (SES) Awards 2016 in Madrid, with the participation of a vast representation of manufacturers, air navigation service providers, airport operators, airspace users and all the other actors of the Air Traffic Management (ATM) system worldwide.
Beside the five winning projects, the jury gave special mention, among other projects, for development and implementation of Joint Service Provision Area Initiative in South East Europe region:
With respect to the conclusions of the last JSPA Initiative PT meeting held in Skopje, and in relation to finding the solutions to very much needed funding the ˝Harmonized and Optimized Use of Regional Airspace With Enhanced Air Transport Connectivity in the SE Europe Program˝ as a JSPA Program, we inform you that we have performed discussions with private companies, which are currently in charge of some programs in civil aviation, with idea of forming a consortium, as it is possible and it would be the best way of implementing the approved JSPAI Program elements.
As a Consortium much of beneficial possibilities can be reached in future funds of the JSPAI targets. The aforementioned Consortium could be established for applying to the EU Horizon 2020 financial support, which is the biggest EU Research and Innovation program ever, with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020), and to ensure distribution of world-class science with no barriers to innovation and to make it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation. Calls for tenders are opening continuously in the next 5 years still open to everyone, with a simple structure that makes sure new projects get off the ground quickly – and achieve results faster.
JSPAI received confirmation that European Commission, Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport Single European Sky has received and registered application for the 2016 Edition of the Single European Sky Awards contest for the Joint Service Provision Area Initiative(JSPAI). All registered applications are available online:
JSPA Presentation EANPG 04 Nov
JSPAI Info note Sarajevo 29 April